Hello everyone! Happy new month. I have an exciting engagement session to share today featuring Cadesha and Tramaine (TJ). The first time I met Cadesha I knew I wanted to be a part of her day. I truly enjoyed our conversation and we instantly clicked. I met TJ for the first time on the day of the shoot and from our brief chat together I realized we had a lot in common. Cadesha is a Lawyer and TJ is a Personal Trainer/Former Football player. We wanted to the shoot to be uniquely different and I believe we accomplish that! It was such a great shoot. We all had so much fun and you can tell from the images. Congrats guys! I am looking forward to the wedding next year! We started off at the Grady High School Stadium then to Rooftop 866 and ended the Shoot at Atlantic Station. Read about the couple below. Enjoy!
How they met:
Her Story:
It depends on who tells the story. LOL. TJ and I met in a bar at the bar literally. If you let him tell the story we met at a nightclub at the bar but that’s his version. I went out with a friend of mine which was totally out of character for me because it was the Sunday before the last day of classes and the day before “Reading Week” (the study week before law school final exams) started and I had been studying the entire day and for some reason my friend and I decided at the very last minute to go out for drinks but before we left we decided that we wouldn’t stay out long because I had class the next day & she had work. I was at the bar ordering a drink & the guy next to me (who I never even saw walk up) gives me some corny pick-up line complementing my lips of all things. I said thank you and turned to walk away without thinking anything else of it & he asked me for my number and because he wasn’t rude or I gave him my number & to this day we still laugh about this because I usually would give a fake number but for some reason I blurted out my real number. It must have been the universe’s plan for me to meet TJ because I wasn’t supposed to go out that night & he definitely wasn’t supposed to get my phone number.
His Story:
I remember it vividly. My nephew Alonzo and I went to a sports bar and as I was walking thru the front door I see this beautiful female next to the bar. I said to myself “OOOOhhh I got to get her”. I remember she was rocking that Rihanna low haircut and I was attracted to her dark chocolate skin. She was leaving the bar I was approaching the bar so I stopped her & the rest is history.
Proposal Story
Her version:
I had mentioned causally to TJ that I wanted to see the Christmas light display at the Botanical Gardens. I never thought we would go because that’s not his thing. A couple of weeks later TJ told me we were going to the Botanical Gardens that night. I was a little surprised and I got really suspicious when he suggested I wear a certain dress. Truthfully, I got a little aggravated because I planned to wear that dress to a friend’s upcoming wedding but I complied. We arrived at the Gardens and it was beautiful all lit up & kind of romantic so I started thinking “oh he might propose” especially since he was kind of rushing us through the gardens so every time we turned a corner or were in front of a nice display I would prepare but he never proposed. We left the Botanical Gardens & I let the idea of him proposing go. So we are in the car & TJ is being so weird he keeps looking at his phone & keeps getting lost so we are just riding around in circles in Midtown. At this point I’m starving & started to get aggravated because we keep passing the same buildings as we ride in this circle and then we passed by this building & everyone is dressed in Santa Claus & Miss Claus outfits & I blurt out “I hope this is not where we are going”. So TJ speeds off and we finally go to dinner. After we finally eat he goes into a speech about our relationship & how much I mean to him & proposes. I wasn’t expecting it all because I was so distracted from the riding in circles & the crazy costume party we passed. He later told me we were going to that lounge with the crazy costume people but after he saw my face and the costumes he changed his mind at the last minute.
His version:
I originally planned to take Cadesha to the light display at the Botanical Garden at her friend’s suggestion and propose to her at this nice lounge. I coordinated the night’s events with her best friend Vanessa and planned to meet her at the lounge but we didn’t know that a Santa Clause costume party was scheduled at this lounge for the same night but things didn’t go quite as planned. When we finally arrived at the lounge it was easily 100-200 people lined up outside with Santa Clause costumes on & Cadesha blurts out “I hope this isn’t the place”. So I abandoned the mission with Vanessa inside ready to capture the moment with her camera and we ended going to dinner. After dinner, I told Cadesha how much I loved her and how my world has changed since we met and asked her to be my wife. She said YES. Later that night at home, I got on one knee and asked her the old-fashioned way.
Hair: The B. Jen’ee Experience styleseat.com/Iambjenee
Makeup: Kristi Jones Instagram MUAKisses
Planner – Niq Williams Events
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