TGIF! Juliet and Bankole are on the blog today 🙂 ! Juliet is actually the sister of a past client Lauret Odesanya (Check out that wedding here). She was a bridesmaid on that wedding and now it’s her turn to have her own bridesmaids! I was extremely excited when she contacted me about her upcoming wedding. I know it’s going to be a really good one. We had a great time on this e-session. While it was literally freezing on the day of the shoot, Bankole kept Juliet warm all session Really looking forward to the wedding. Check out the short love story from Bankole. Enjoy!
Juliet played the toughest game of hard to get ever! After years of ignoring my advances, one Friday evening after a month-long fast at our church, she finally came to hold a conversation with me. I was shocked but cautiously optimistic. Although I was excited that she finally seemed to be expressing interest; I suspected that fasting for a month was simply causing her to hallucinate… But hey, I was willing to take any opening I could get!
All jokes aside, I do believe that our relationship had more to do with God’s timing than anything. We’d known of each other for a few years and only spoke in passing. I’d always thought there was an exotic beauty about Juliet, and she caught my eye each Sunday at church; however it was the way she carried herself that truly intrigued me.
Month’s before we started hanging out, I’d prayed for a wife like Rebekah. I’d always admired the way Rebekah opened her heart and her home without any hesitation. Anyone who knows Juliet knows her unbridled sweetness and willingness to help whenever needed. It didn’t take long for me to see Juliet as an answered prayer… I fell for her fast. Very quickly, Juliet became someone that I wanted to spend all of my time with.
I’d love to claim the excitement was mutual, but the truth is that Juliet seemed to take time to warm up to me. Considering that our personalities are a complete contrast of one another, it’s a wonder that we grew as close as we did. After 3-4 years of chasing, I must have worn her down because she was finally ready to settle down! At the point our relationship really matured, we both became pillars of support for the other as we tackled some of the more challenging moments in our lives. Along the way, she became my best friend and my closest confidant. I have never been one to open up easily, but whenever there was a moment to share in my life, good or bad, Juliet was the one that I wanted to share it with. I’d known very early on that she was the one I’d like to spend the rest of my life with. As the years went on, it became clearer that I could not imagine my life without her in it. On June 14, I look forward to making my life a permanent part of hers.
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