Hello friends, on this post i decided to switch things up a bit. I noticed i have not posted kid/baby pictures in a while so i decided to share the Marie family session. Filesha recently gave birth to a beautiful baby girl Sofia and wanted to use the opportunity to get pictures of the whole family. Her twins Melia & Laila were an interesting & curious duo. Every time i pointed the camera at them they would stare at me with a look that says “who are you and what are you doing?” lol. Its always fun capturing kids on camera since you’re constantly chasing them around and never know what’s going to happen next. I really had a nice time with the Hannif family. Check out a few images from the day along with some comments. Enjoy.
This is a shot that i feel both sisters will forever cherish. The smile from Laila suggests the simple joy of just having a twin sis. I converted it to black & White to give it a timeless feel.

You can pretty much get an idea of their personalities from these images. The beauty of unique twins.

The first image depicts the sincere mother & Child love with mom joyfully gazing down at her precious newborn. Definitely a beautiful moment. If you doubt the immediate bond a baby has with mommy check out the second image and notice how Sofia tightly grips mommy’s finger. That’s what you call natural instincts 🙂

Melia & Laila: toddler models in the making.

Really love this image. I was able to catch them all focused on the toy book and its a genuine moment were mom is glad to do the honors. I relate to this because my son loves when we read to him.

Beautiful Sofia taking a peaceful nap. There is just something calming about watching a newborn sleep. You’ll have a deeper appreciation for life.

I wanted to get a shot of the full colorful outfit Sofia was rocking. Very cute.

I captured the same image from a different angle. Wanted to focus on the face and have the ruffles and color of the
outfit slightly blurred to give a unique look.

Mom, Dad & Sofia the newest member of the family. Unconditional Love.
