Hello Folks! I have a great surprise proposal to share today. Usually I start off by explaining the proposal plan and the entire process but today I will do the complete opposite. I will break down the proposal at the bottom of the post after you are done viewing the pictures. I want you to get an idea of how it went from your own perspective. Enjoy!
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Now the story..lol 🙂
Anand reached out to me about his plan to propose a few weeks before the date so we had time to plot every aspect of the plan to perfection. I have done many proposals in the past but this one was definitely one of a kind! The plan was for the proposal to happen while Freny was on a Fox theatre tour. Anand and Freny went to a show at the Fox theatre the day before the proposal and he told her they won tickets to go on a tour of the Fox the next day. He later backed out claiming he had to work 🙂 . Anand had Freny’s close friend fill in for him so the plan was all set 🙂 . We realized it was going to be difficult to take pictures of her without her getting suspicious so we came up with a plan that I would be the staff photographer for the fox theatre. This gave me the freedom to take pictures of random people on the group tour but I obviously focused on Freny. It worked out perfectly! Anand had a second surprise. He invited close friends and family and had them all wait at the restaurant across the street (Livingston @ The Georgian Terrace Hotel). When we were done taking pictures Freny thought it was all over and I left as well. A few minutes later Anand walked her into the restaurant and she was shocked to see all the familiar faces! This was definitely one of my favorite surprise proposals and so glad I was part of it! Congrats to Anand and Freny. I wish you both the very best!
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