Kara & Brian are getting married next year so they got a great head start by getting their e-session done this year. I really loved this e-session because it took absolutely zero minutes for Kara & Brian to get comfortable. Usually with many clients i have to work my magic to get them to feel free. I believe a fun couple = fun wedding. Although the wedding is not until 2012 i am really looking forward to it. The session took place at the beautiful Carter Center. Thank you Lindsey Ciener for allowing us to use this location. Very Appreciated! (Future brides make sure you check out this amazing place). Check out the pics below and a little about Kara & Brian. Enjoy!
The story of Kara and Brian
Brian and Kara met the summer of 2004 in Statesboro, GA. It was a hot summer so there wasn’t much to do but attend summer school, eat, sleep, and go out after the sun went down. Kara had returned to Statesboro after the first term of summer classes to pack her things in her apartment and catch up with a few friends. It was towards the end of the summer and a new student meet and greet was being held on campus. It was tradition for all active student organizations to participate in this event to welcome the incoming freshman into the university. The night of the meet and greet, the Student Recreation Center (affectionately known as the RAC) was packed with people. After a round of volleyball on the court, Kara and her line sister Janine decided to watch from the sidelines. Janine and Kara went to the nearest bench where, Kara had laid her student id and sat down. When Kara went to grab her student id, she noticed the id was that of Brian Kennebrew. She commented, “Oh, he’s cute.” Janine said, “He’s right there and pointed.” Kara glanced back, nodded in approval and thought nothing more of it. The next day, there was a small gathering at a local bar named Baja Burrito. That night, Kara was with a group of friends and sorority sisters having a good time. She noticed Brian walking towards her and her friends from across the room. Kara pretended to ignore him until Janine tapped her on the shoulders and introduced Brian. Brian and Kara made small talk throughout the night and got to know each other. At the end of the night, they exchanged phone numbers and the rest is history. They have been inseparable ever since.
Facts about Kara:
-Loves to help others
-Loves a good laugh
-A dog lover
-A lover of the arts
-Usually falls asleep on movies
-From time to time ruins a good joke 🙂 |
Facts about Brian:
-He’s a jokester
-Extremely knowledgeable about weather and storm systems
-He was a dancer in another life
-He’s a charmer
-He has a great sense of humor
-He can run really fast (not really he had knee surgery on both knees) |
Facts about Brian and Kara:
-They enjoy a good laugh
-They finish each others sentence
-They both wore braces at one point in their lives
-They are both athletic
-Family is very important to them

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