Hello folks. TGIF. Chrystol & Jason are on the blog today! Chrystol first saw my images on Instagram and noticed she knew a bunch of people that I’ve previously worked with. I am really glad she found me because I now get to be a part of her big day! Chrystol is from Jamaica and Jason is from Guyana. They both love the city so we incorporated that into the shoot. I love the vibrant feel of the shoot which is what caribbeans are all about. This shoot was really fun and I had a great time. Congrats guys!! The shoot took place at the Glenn Hotel Sky lounge & Underground Atlanta. Check out their story below. Enjoy!
How it all started:
While Jason was out hanging with the boys, I was still contemplating going out for a night out on the town with my sisters. After much debate I agreed to go “paint the town red” and honestly that was the best decision I made. We landed at a party that Jason and his friends where at as well. Unbeknownst to me Jason watched me the entire night from across the room and finally worked up the courage to come and say something to me. Jason came over to me grabbed my hand and said “You are sooooooo beautiful and I could not take my eyes off of you the entire night”. We talked, danced, laughed and danced some more until 7am.
The night came to an end and it was time to leave. Jason offered to walk me to the car and i declined half way to the car, after all this is New York and they have some crazy people. Jason asked me for my number but his phone had died, he said “give it to me anyway, i will remember it” and i did. Surprisingly the next day i received a call from him and we talked everyday for about 2 weeks before I agreed to go on our first date.
We would go on a date about 2 times a week. We went everywhere from Six Flags, to horseback riding, to Medieval times, to comedy shows. It was great and from there we decided to make it official December 2010.
After that it was all history ……
The Proposal:
Chrystol’s Interpretation:
My sisters, friends and my family decided we would go on a vacation the week of August 17-26th. I begged and begged Jason to come along, but he refused each time. He told me we where going to go on a 2nd vacation when I got back, so I left the situation alone…….
Now it is August 17th, 2013, Jason brought us to the airport we said our Goodbye’s and “I love you’s”(he recorded the entire thing btw). I was so sad to leave him behind but I was looking forward to going away when i got back.
So we arrived in Puerto Rico, I called Jason we talked for a little and I went to sleep. The next day I talked to Jason on the phone some more before boarding the ship because I knew I would not get to talk to him until the following day (Aug. 19).
Fast forward to “The Day”. It is August 21st, 2013, this day is also our 3 year anniversary, we (my family and friends) arrived in Barbados and trying to decide what we should do. The group finally decided what we will be doing in Barbados and that was go to a beach “The Boatyard” because they had everything to do. I was sad at first because i tried calling him to say happy Anniversary but my phone would not work, so I used my mom’s phone to call him but no answer. We finally arrived to the beach, where we were informed they had free Wi-Fi. I was ecstatic, I called him again, still no answer and I left a message this time. I figured he will call me back so we went snorkeling in the mean time. We were out in the water for about an hour and a half. When we got back everyone was just lounging around and swimming and being carefree in that BEAUTIFUL water. It just so happened that all of us got out of the water at the same time and that is when A’Dale said ” the guy over there said he would give us some Jetskis for 10 min for FREE.” We were all so excited we started running over there. I was searching for the guy and asking Adale where is the guy and that is when………..GASP…………… I heard someone say “BABY”, (AHHHHHH) I turned around and I see Jason Anthony Warde walking towards me. OMG!!!!!! I thought I was about to pass out, lol………
At this point I was bawling and screaming like a baby, he came over to me, hugged me and proceeded to tell me that he caught a flight 2 hours after ours, he had been hiding on the ship for the past 3 days and how he could have never missed this anniversary and so much more other things. By this point I am bawling so loud I couldn’t hear anything else he was saying…lol. Then he dropped to one knee, took out “THE BOX”, he professed his love for me and his intent for us and I said YESSSSSSSSSSS, of course after my minor faint, and he put my BEAUTIFUL RING ON. I was feeling so overwhelmed with emotions. The day I been dreaming and waiting for is here and I felt like I was having an outer body experience but it was well worth it. My baby did a EXCELLENT job and I am so proud of him for that.
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