Sherell and Elijah Regal Mansion Engagement Shoot | Cullen Sculpture Garden | Rice University Houston
February 13, 2018 | Destination Engagement Sessions, Engagement Sessions | No Comments

Hello! Thank you so much for dropping by. Today, i am sharing Sherell and Elijah’s amazing Houston Texas engagement shoot. Sherell and Elijah wanted a shoot that showed their style and love. I definitely think we were able to accomplish that. From the enchanting mansion to the Cullen Sculpture Garden to the beautiful Rice University campus, the shoot was simply amazing from start to finish. Looking forward to celebrating with both of them in Alabama! Congrats to Sherell and Elijah. Check out their proposal story and some images from the shoot below. Enjoy!
Our proposal is probably one of the best days of my life. It was Christmas evening of 2015 and I was home in Mississippi for the holiday. My two best friends, parents, and niece were all at home enjoying ourselves like normal. Well I was upset with Elijah because he was suppose to be coming to my house from Alabama to visit me but told me earlier that day that he wasn’t going to make it. Well I was all in the Christmas sprit and enjoying my family. I remember everything happening so fast. My niece brought me a box that was wrapped so pretty and she told me it was for me. I remember saying wow I got another gift. So I opened it and it was a note inside that said “Guess whos getting married??” I still didn’t get it. I remember saying who is this for. And before I knew it one of my favorite songs by Charlie Wilson “You Are” was playing in the back ground. The garage door was going up and Elijah was standing in my parents living room. I remember screaming.. “What are you doing here”. Everyone was screaming and clapping. He didn’t answer but got down on one knee and had the most serious look on his face. He talked about how it was time for me to see just how serious he was and how he was ready to spend the rest of his life with me. I screamed so loud when he opened the box and I saw my ring. Apparently he, my sister, and best friend Miracle planned everything and everybody knew. Even my parents were in on it. It was really exactly the way I had always dreamed and couldn’t have asked for it to happen any better.